1. Serija webinara u čast profesora Allana Gibba


    Gibb webinarSocietal Innovation and Enterprise Forum (SIEF) organizirao je seriju od četiri webinara u čast profesora Allana Gibba (1939-2019), čiji cilj je prisjetiti se osnovnih koncepata Gibbovih istraživanja, te ih povezati s današnjom situacijom, pandemijom COVID-19 i ulogom poduzetništva i poduzetničkog ponašanja u odgovoru na izazove, koje je donijela ova kriza. Tematski, webinari pokrivaju područja istraživanja profesora Gibba i temelje se na njegovim znanstvenim i stručnim radovima. » Pročitajte više…

  2. Michael Porter replies to Slavica’s question


    porter_singer_pfeifer 8 Dec 2020Slavica Singer and Sanja Pfeifer with Suncica Oberman Peterka and Julia Peric participated in the 2020 virtual meeting of the Affiliate Network of the Harvard Business School, held from Dec. 7-9. On Professor Porter’s introduction there were 215 participants from 60 countries virtually connected. Professor Singer suggested a joint project on developing indicators for multidimensional measuring of UN sustainable development goals, which Professor Porter supported. » Pročitajte više…

  3. Virtual presentation of the research problem – Jelena Šišara


    (Factors of influence on assess to sources of financing and performance of start-up companies) » Pročitajte više…

  4. Singapore – Croatia business dialogue


    SingaporeThursday, December 3, 2020  12.00 – 13.30 CET – it is open for up to 30 participants, primarily to our former and current doctoral students – please confirm your participation before Monday, November 30, 2020 on kkrizanovic@ices.hr (Katica Krizanovic, Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku). Confirmed participants will get the Zoom link on December 1, 2020. » Pročitajte više…

  5. entreTime newsletter


    entreTimeEntrepreneurial training is becoming increasingly important in academia and business. Within entreTime, the EU funded initiative for entrepreneurship education of which Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Croatia is proud to be a partner, we aim to provide an academic platform for spreading entrepreneurial teaching and co-creation also outside the traditional the domain of business schools and economic faculties.

    Learn more about entreTime and our ambitious goals for boosting entrepreneurship in Europe!

    Here is the link for downloading the newsletter https://entretime.sce.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/EntreTime-Newsletter-1.pdf.