1. The Language of Innovation – Lessons from Israel


    Dear colleagues,

    We invite you to the lecture The Language of Innovation – Lessons from Israel, which will be held by Mr. Nir Tsuk, PhD. The lecture, organised by the Faculty of Economics in Osijek and the Embassy of Israel in Croatia will be held on Thursday, May 12, 2022 from 10 to 11 a.m. in the Atrium of the Glagolitic Alphabet of the Faculty of Economics in Osijek. » Pročitajte više…

  2. Saras Sarasvathy receives the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research


    SarasvatySaras D. Sarasvathy, member of the faculty of our doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS at the J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, is the 2022 winner of the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research, which is presented to researchers who have a strong influence on research in the field of entrepreneurship. » Pročitajte više…

  3. Call for Applications 2022: “Peace building in post-conflict areas – Diplomacy, Leadership and Negotiations”


    Academy KS FtDear students,

    It is with great pleasure to announce that the call for applications for Kosovo International Summer Academy 2022, with a special focus on “Peace building in post-conflict areas – Diplomacy, Leadership and Negotiations”, are now open! » Pročitajte više…

  4. Doctoral programme ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS joins the CESEENet network


    ceseephdnetDoctoral programme ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS became a member of the CESEENet network, which gathers PhD programmes from Central, East and South-East Europe with the aim “to promote and facilitate cooperation” within universities from this region “in order to increase the quality of their PhD programmes.”

    Students, enrolled in different PhD programmes from this network have the possibility to participate in different courses offered by members of the network and obtain ECTS points from these courses. Also, they can broaden their research network and get new ideas and insights for their research. More information about this network and possibilities offered to students (especially list of the offered courses) is available on their website: https://ceseephd.net/

  5. Invitation for enrollment to PhD course at University of Vienna, Austria (on-line)


    uni_VIEN_logo_220As a member of the CESEENet network, students of the doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS are invited to enroll at PhD course Theory of Networks at University of Vienna, Austria.

    You can find more information about the course at the web site: https://ufind.univie.ac.at/en/course.html?lv=390008&semester=2022S. » Pročitajte više…