1. Presentation of the research problem


    efosAuwal Isah, from the 4th class, will present the proposal for his doctoral thesis under the working title Gender Differences in Early-Stage Entrepreneurship:  Issues and inclusion in Northern Nigeria companies (research problem, research questions, methodological approach) on Wednesday, September 15, 2021 at 12.00 CET (virtual). » Pročitajte više…

  2. Suradnja EFOS-a i Ekonomskog fakulteta iz Maribora


    Katja_fotkaNekako u isto vrijeme krajem 1980-ih, Miroslav Rebernik na mariborskom i Slavica Singer na osječkom Ekonomskom fakultetu započeli su, među prvima u svojoj zemlji, istraživati i podučavati poduzetništvo na sveučilišnoj razini. » Pročitajte više…

  3. Apply for ECSB Post-Doctoral Paper Development Workshop and David Smallbone Mid-Career Faculty Consortium at RENT 2021


    ECSBRENT 2021 will be organised on 17-19 November 2021 in Turku, Finland. 17 November will be the ECSB pre-conference day when various workshops will take place. The call is still open for the ECSB Post-Doctoral Paper Development Workshop and David Smallbone Mid-Career Faculty Consortium. Read more below and send your application by 15 July 2021. » Pročitajte više…

  4. Poziv na radionicu “Enrich your teaching through entrepreneurship”


    entre-timeEkonomski fakultet u Osijeku partner je u projektu Entre-Time (https://www.entretime.eu/), čiji cilj je, kroz edukaciju nastavnika iz različitih područja znanosti, osigurati razumijevanje poduzetničkog učenja i primjene principa poduzetničkog učenja u različite discipline, kolegije i sadržaje.

    U skladu s tim, pozivamo vas da se prijavite na Train-the-trainers edukaciju “Enrich your teaching through entrepreneurship”, koja počinje 6.10.2021., u ukupnom trajanju od 75 sati, raspoređenih u dva mjeseca (više informacija na sljedećem linku: https://entretime.sce.de/pilot-programme/). » Pročitajte više…

  5. Think Small First: SIEF webinar series on the entrepreneurial small business


    Gibb webinar series 2021Below is the link to the video of the first webinar in Series 2 on the topic of ‘hunkering down or opening up new horizons for SMEs post-Covid’. https://youtu.be/kzCQ9Af4KjQ

    Our excellent panel considered the challenges for small businesses during the pandemic and beyond, with discussion on: » Pročitajte više…