RENT 2021 will be organised on 17-19 November 2021 in Turku, Finland. 17 November will be the ECSB pre-conference day when various workshops will take place. The call is still open for the ECSB Post-Doctoral Paper Development Workshop and David Smallbone Mid-Career Faculty Consortium. Read more below and send your application by 15 July 2021. » Pročitajte više…
Apply for ECSB Post-Doctoral Paper Development Workshop and David Smallbone Mid-Career Faculty Consortium at RENT 2021
01.07.2021. -
Poziv na radionicu “Enrich your teaching through entrepreneurship”
30.06.2021.Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku partner je u projektu Entre-Time (, čiji cilj je, kroz edukaciju nastavnika iz različitih područja znanosti, osigurati razumijevanje poduzetničkog učenja i primjene principa poduzetničkog učenja u različite discipline, kolegije i sadržaje.
U skladu s tim, pozivamo vas da se prijavite na Train-the-trainers edukaciju “Enrich your teaching through entrepreneurship”, koja počinje 6.10.2021., u ukupnom trajanju od 75 sati, raspoređenih u dva mjeseca (više informacija na sljedećem linku: » Pročitajte više…
Think Small First: SIEF webinar series on the entrepreneurial small business
10.06.2021.Below is the link to the video of the first webinar in Series 2 on the topic of ‘hunkering down or opening up new horizons for SMEs post-Covid’.
Our excellent panel considered the challenges for small businesses during the pandemic and beyond, with discussion on: » Pročitajte više…
RENT 2021 Conference
05.06.2021.RENT 2021 will be organised on 17-19 November 2021 in Turku, Finland. The abstract submission deadline has already passed but there calls for the ECSB pre-conference events on 17 November are still open. No fee is charged for participation in the pre-conference events but participation in the RENT Conference is compulsory.
Please consider attending one or more of the interesting activities and kindly also share information to your PhD students and colleagues. » Pročitajte više…
Presentation of the research problem
02.06.2021.Sofija Turjak, from the 5th class, will present the proposal for her doctoral thesis under the working title Analysis of greenhouse gas emissions and guidelines for changes in environmental governance of Europe and companies (research problem, research questions, methodological approach) on Thursday, June 10th 2021, at 12.00 CET (virtual). » Pročitajte više…