1. Ivan Biškup – defense of doctoral thesis


    ices_logoIvan Biškup will defend his doctoral thesis “Mogućnosti i ograničenja u procesu razvoja malih i srednjih poduzeća” („Possibilities and hindrances in a process of development of small and medium sized businesses“) on Monday, March 1, 2021 at 12.00. The event will be virtual, using Zoom platform. » Pročitajte više…

  2. Darija Petric obranila završni rad


    Darija Petric obrana 17022021Darija Petric, studentica PSP-a, novi je sveučilišni specijalist poduzetništva (univ.spec.oec.). Darija je uspješno obranio završni rad pod naslovom “ POTENCIJAL EUROPSKIH I NACIONALNIH FONDOVA ZA RAST I RAZVOJ PODUZEĆA”. » Pročitajte više…

  3. Reimagining Our Futures, a SIEF Webinar Series Inspired by the Ideas of Professor Allan Gibb


    Reimagining Our Futures Webinar No 4Webinar topic: “Universities as partnership models for driving positive change”

    It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the fourth Webinar inspired by the ideas of Professor Allan Gibb (1939 – 2019).

    Supported by the OECD and St Aidan’s College, Durham University, UK and hosted by the Societal Innovation and Enterprise Forum (SIEF).

    Date: Friday February 12th, 2021
    Time: 12.00 noon – 13.45 UK time / 13.00 – 14.45 Amsterdam time » Pročitajte više…

  4. Doctoral thesis defense by Iva Senegović


    Senegovic obrana 2CONGRATULATIONS to IVA SENEGOVIĆ, Ph.D.  for thesis defended at the international interuniversity interdisciplinary doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS. » Pročitajte više…

  5. Prof.dr.sc. Slavica Singer dobitnica Europske nagrade za poduzetničko obrazovanje


    Slavica-Singer-web-700x560pxProfesorica Slavica Singer, profesor emeritus Ekonomskog fakulteta u Osijeku, Sveučilišta u Osijeku dobitnica je ovogodišnje nagrade The European Entrepreneurship Education Award. » Pročitajte više…