1. G20 Entrepreneurship Roundtable 2020 “Policies and Actions to Promote Entrepreneurship in the Post-pandemic Era”


    G20 Entrepreneurship Roundtable online guests_mProfessor Slavica Singer participated as a keynote speaker at the G20 Entrepreneurship Roundtable 2020 “Policies and Actions to Promote Entrepreneurship in the Post-pandemic Era”, organized in Beijing, China by the Entrepreneurship Research Center on G20 Economies and Tsinghua University, on 22nd October 2020. » Pročitajte više…

  2. Reimagining Our Futures: Inaugural Webinar Series inspired by the Ideas of Professor Allan Gibb


    Gibb_WebinarTheme #2: Re-designing entrepreneurial learning around problems – to be held on Friday, 23 October 2020 at 12.00 noon – 13.30 UK time* (13:00 – 14:30 Zagreb time)

    You can still register via this Eventbrite link – https://bit.ly/3jzwhLT » Pročitajte više…

  3. Webinar Invitation: “Re-designing entrepreneurial learning around problems and issues”


    Gibb_WebinarInvitation – Dear doctoral students, it is our pleasure to invite you to the webinar “Re-designing entrepreneurial learning around problems and issues” (read more here)
    Hosted by the Societal Innovation and Enterprise Forum (SIEF), St Aidan’s College, Durham University, UK.

    » Pročitajte više…

  4. Slavica Singer – a recommendation: The Social Dilemma (on Netflix)


    The_Social_DilemmaAs doctoral students whose primary obligation is a search for truth, the documentary film The Social Dilemma opens very crucial questions about the data and critical questioning.

    In the time of informational tsunami provided by the social media, issues of differentiating between true and fake news, distrust in data, how to come to shared views on data, how to reconcile different definitions of any phenomenon backed with different set of data in order to satisfy expectations of different target groups… are at the core of the discussion on the future of democracy. » Pročitajte više…

  5. Obrana završnog rada Antonije Krajine


    Krajina Antonija obrana 23072020Antonija Krajina, studentica 15. generacije PSP-a, nova je sveučilišna specijalistica poduzetništva (univ.spec.oec.). Antonija je uspješno obranila završni rad pod naslovom “PROCJENA POTENCIJALA RASTA MALIH POTHVATA”. » Pročitajte više…