1. Virtual presentation of a research problem


    It is a pleasure to inform you about the virtual presentation of a research problem:

    July 3, 2020 – 17.15 – 18.15 (Canada – 6 hours) Vlado Walter Veckie – presentation of the research problem “Economic Beneficence of the Third Age Generation” to the panel (Slavica Singer, Sanja Pfeifer, Natasa Sarlija, Suncica Oberman Peterka)

    Let us know if you want to join this event, by Thursday July 2nd 14.00 (Croatian time) and Katica (kkrizanovic@ices.hr) will send you the link.

  2. Javna obrana doktorske disertacije pristupnice mr. sc. Sanje Bračun


    efosPoštovani, obavještavamo o održavanju javne obranu doktorske disertacije naslova „Poduzetničke kompetencije u kreativnim i kulturnim industrijama“ mr. sc. Sanje Bračun, pristupnice poslijediplomskog međunarodnog međusveučilišnog interdisciplinarnog studija Poduzetništvo i inovativnost. » Pročitajte više…

  3. Welcome 7th class


    ICES žirafaDear 7th class – Hiroko, Marta-Patricia, Ken, Marijana, Natasa, Tamara, Dino and Borna – WELCOME.

    with you we are starting our joint experience of NEW NORMAL, which is emerging from COVID-19. » Pročitajte više…

  4. Diversities, tolerance on differences, solidarity, collaboration… where are those words in our everyday’s doings, on private and professional level?


    Freigtening last 8 minutes and 46 seconds of George Floyd’s life urged people around the world to express their feelings about so many unfinished businesses (inequalities in access to health, education, opportunities, decent work and decent life). » Pročitajte više…

  5. On-line konferencija “S faksa na posao – kako se snaći u doba i nakon korone?”


    ICES logo_ISPRMeđunarodni centar za poduzetničke studije (ICES), UNESCO katedra za poduzetništvo i Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku

    Pozivaju Vas na on-line konferenciju

    S faksa na posao – kako se snaći u doba i nakon korone? » Pročitajte više…