1. Making Sense of the Entrepreneurial University


    Turku University – PhD defense event on Wednesday 22 June 2022 at 11.15 Croatian time (12.15 Finnish time):

    Kaisu Paasio will defend her thesis  ”Making Sense of the Entrepreneurial University”

    It’s a public defense and will be streamed – https://utu.zoom.us/s/63461421866 – The opponent will be prof Luke Pittaway from Ohio University.


    Turku University – Turku School of Economics is a partnering institution in running our doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS, and this is a great opportunity to see Kaisu’s approach to a topic which is also our research interest.

  2. Elective course Statistical Research Methods


    Additional course Statistical Research Methods (7 ECTS) – Professor Josipa Mijoč, will be held

    July 8, 2022:  15.00 – 19.00 CET

    July 9, 2022:  9.00– 13.00 CET

    Please, respond if you are interested to enroll this course, by return message to Katica Krizanovic  kkrizanovic@ices.hr BEFORE FRIDAY 24 June 2022

    Statistical Research Method – short description

    Course Objective.
    To present statistical methodology appropriate for different types of research projects in quantitative research. To explain the role of variables in defining research problems, objectives and hypotheses of the dissertation.

    Main topics.
    Presentation of the elements of a scientific research plan. Connecting the research phenomenon (concept) with the knowledge needed to formulate research hypotheses, collect quantitative data, perform statistical analysis, draw conclusions about the hypotheses, and discuss the limitations of the research.
    Explain the mandatory parts of the methodological framework of quantitative research.
    Types of samples for quantitative research and ways to determine them will be explained. To present an example of a possible research plan with the proposal of statistical tools for data analysis.

    Final assignment.
    Preparation of a project assignment in which the elements of the research process are written on a research problem of the doctoral student’s choice.

  3. Saras Sarasvathy, the 2022 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research laureate


    Professor Saras Sarasvathy is the 2022 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research laureate. Since its inception in 1996, this award has been established as the foremost global recognition for research on entrepreneurship. The partners behind the award are Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum, the Research Institute for Industrial Economics, Vinnova (sponsor) and Lars Backsell (donor), The Prize consists of the statuette “The  Hand of God” created by Swedish sculptor Carl Milles and a Prize sum of 100.000 euros. » Pročitajte više…

  4. Tomislav Barbarić novi je sveučilišni specijalist poduzetništva


    BarbaricTomislav Barbarić, student 17. generacije PSP-a, novi je sveučilišni specijalist poduzetništva (univ.spec.oec.). Tomislav je uspješno obranio završni rad pod naslovom “VAŽNOST I ULOGA VOĐENJA ZA USPJEŠNO UPRAVLJANJE JAVNOPRAVNIM TIJELIMA”. » Pročitajte više…

  5. Doctoral thesis defense by Adela Has


    On Monday, May 9, 2022, Adela Has has defended her doctoral thesis titled “Energetska učinkovitost kao potpora upravljanju zgradama javnog sektora“   » Pročitajte više…