1. G20 Entrepreneurship Roundtable 2023 “Promote Entrepreneurship and Employment in Platform Economy”


    Slavica Singer, Professor Emerita participated in the G20 Entrepreneurship Roundtable 2023 “Promote Entrepreneurship and Employment in Platform Economy”, in Suzhou, China October 23-24 2023. The roundtable was organised by the Entrepreneurship Research Center on G20 Economies, in collaboration with the International Labour Organisation, and supported by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China. » Pročitajte više…

  2. Invitation for PhD students, researchers and educators


    As a partner in the Start for Future project (working package Academia & Research), we are inviting you to participate in the session: New Approaches to Systemic Innovation in Europe with Dr. Marina Ranga and Prof. Dr. Klaus Sailer, on September 22nd, 2023, 14-16 CET. » Pročitajte više…

  3. Cengage Discount Code


    Here is the 25% discount code: 891BACKTOUNIVERSITY23 for students who may wish to purchase a Cengage title through the website : https://www.cengage.uk.

    The code: 891BACKTOUNIVERSITY23 is valid on text book and eBook orders between the 01.09.23- 01.12.23

  4. Predstavljanje rezultata GEM istraživanja za 2022. godinu na HRT-u


    Profesor Slavica Singer je 17.7.2023. godine je bila gost u programu HRT-a u emisiji Ekonomske minute HTV-a. Voditelj emisije Željko Kardum je vodio intervju s profesoricom Singer, voditeljicom istraživačkog tima GEM Hrvatska o rezultatima istraživanja za 2022. godinu. » Pročitajte više…

  5. Javna obrana teme doktorskog rada Katice Križanović


    Javna obrana teme doktorskog rada Katice Križanović, doktorandice međusveučilišnog interdisciplinarnog studija Poduzetništvo i inovativnost, pod nazivom “Uloga uzora za razvoj poduzetničkih aktivnosti žena: međunarodna perspektiva” održati će se pred Vijećem međusveučilišnog interdisciplinarnog studija Poduzetništvo i inovativnost i zainteresiranim osobama u srijedu, 19. srpnja 2023. godine u 11 sati u dvorani 12 i virtualno, u sastavu:   » Pročitajte više…