1. Happy New Year


    Dear doctoral students,

    The end of the year and the beginning of the new one is always a great opportunity for all of us to make an inventory of what we did, what stayed as unfinished businesses and to make a list of what we plan to do in the coming year. Usually, the expectation list is long – no problem with that, but keep your doctoral study among priorities. » Read more…

  2. Public defence of the doctoral thesis by Nerma Saračević dipl. oec., a PhD candidate at the Interdisciplinary Inter-University Doctoral Study Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness


    Nerma Saračević, dipl. oec., a PhD candidate at the Interdisciplinary Inter-University Doctoral Study Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness will held public defence of doctoral thesis entitled “Model of Internal Ranking of Clients in Islamic Banks for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises”. » Read more…