Katarina Štavlić, univ.spec.oec., student of the 1st cohort of the International postgraduate interdisciplinary inter-university doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS is a new Doctor of Science (Ph.D.). » Read more…
Katarina Štavlić Defends Doctoral Dissertation
09.02.2017. -
Triple Helix model course to be held on November 28-29, 2014
04.11.2014.Dr. Marina Ranga, Senior Researcher, H-Star Institute Stanford University, CA, USA, will hold the lecture Triple Helix model on November, 28 and 29 at Faculty of Economics in Osijek for students of doctoral program Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness. More about the lecturer you can find here. » Read more…
OSC predstavlja #3: od predstavnika UX Passiona, ZIMO Digitala i WTFJeansa saznajte kakav je bio njihov put do uspjeha!
22.09.2014.Nakon prva dva zbivanja iz serije OSC predstavlja i ljetnog predaha, vrijeme je za treće izdanje i nove poslovne priče. OSC predstavlja #3 održat će se u utorak, 23. rujna 2014. godine na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Osijeku u dvorani 3 (prizemlje), u vremenu od 17:30 do 19:00 h. Zbivanje je organizirano od strane udruge Osijek Software City, a namijenjeno je svima onima koji su zainteresirani za financiranje i razvoj poslovnog pothvata, samozapošljavanje, rad s klijentima, prepreke u poslovanju i put do uspjeha tvrtki i startupa. » Read more…
|CALL FOR PAPERS| Social Innovations: Theoretical and Practical Insights
02.07.2014.CALL FOR PAPERS: Social Innovations: Theoretical and Practical Insights
October 23-24, 2014
Ateities str. 20, LT-08303
Vilnius, Lithuaniahttp://socin2014.mruni.eu/
Social innovations are processes where social, public policy and economy is developed by the creation of new ideas, products, services, and business models for a strong and sustained development. The social innovations concept envolves several spheres of knowledge, from Justice and human rights aspects to social technologies, sustainable development in a global changing environment, life quality and values. This multidisciplinary approach allow to integrate several spheres of knowledge and link social, economical and environment, and create basis for a common understand among the different disciplines. The discussion of the different disciplines in a common ground is fundamental for a wide understanding of the problems that affects the society in a local, regional and global context, facilitating the creation and implementation of ideas and solutions towards sustainability.
30.06.2014.November 19, 2014
Associate Professor Dr. Steffen Korsgaard (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Assistant Professor Dr. Martin Hannibal (Southern Danish University)
Professor Dr. Helle Neergaard (Aarhus University, Denmark)The pre-conference Doctoral Seminar has been a very successful tradition at RENT. It represents a unique opportunity for European doctoral students to present their thesis proposals and obtain useful insight into how their work can be improved and progressed as well as an opportunity for bouncing ideas off on experienced faculty. The seminar also facilitates the exchange of research experiences and new ideas in the fields of entrepreneurship and small business. The ECSB Doctoral Seminar is truly a meeting place for both new and experienced researchers from all over Europe and an ideal place to start networking. We particularly encourage students in the early stages of their research to participate as a way of launching themselves into the international research community. » Read more…