Bloomberg Institute is coming to J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek March 3rd 2012 to help put you in touch with thousands of financial recruiters! Together with the UNESCO Chair in Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Economics at the J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek to offer the Bloomberg Assessment Test (BAT) FREE of charge for students on campus.
Click here to find out more about it.
The annual GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) meeting was held on January 18-21, 2011 in San Francisco, at which Slavica Singer, Ph.D. and Nataša Šarlija, Ph.D. participated as representatives of the Croatian GEM team. On this page you can find the 2011 GEM global Report for all participating countries, which was co-authored by Professor Singer.
New website presents the redisigned visual identity of PSP, which is a part of our transition to ICES – International Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies. The new web interface offers information such as news and events, improved photo gallery, encompasses the entire vertical of entrepreneurial education and research that are conducted within ICES and much more. The new site is tailored to the end user, i.e., current and future students, professors and associates of ICES, and is also available in the English language. We hope you will like the new visual dimension, and look forward to your feedback. The old site at www.psp.efos.hr will be accessible until February 01, 2012, after which the address will also take you to the new site.
Case study San Francisco Coffee House: An American Style Franchise in Croatia was included in the leading world database of business cases Ivey Publishing in 2008. Due to large interest in this case, which was used within the Internatonal Entrepreneurship course at Harvard Business School in 2010, and was sold in over 1,000 copies in 2011, Ivey Publishing has included a French translation of the case in its offer. This case is the result of collaboration between Professor IIan Alon, U.S. franchising consultant and Mirela Alpeza, Ph.D. and Aleksandar Erceg, M.Sc, teachers at Postgraduate Program in Entrepreneurship.
We wish you hapiness and harmony in the coming holidays, and may the New Year bring you fulfillment of your business goals! Season’s greetings and successful 2012 from everyone at ICES!