SENIIR (South-Eastern Europe Network for Improving Industry Research) project ended in May 2007. Its goal was to provide an overview of conditions in individual economic sectors, in order to increase the transparency and make it easier for various institutions (banks, investors, chambers of commerce, employers’ associations, consultancy firms, etc.), as well as for small and medium-sized enterprises to make decisions on entering individual activities, cooperation, creation of consultancy reports, etc.
Project was founded on the basis of longtime experience from Austria and Slovenia, and methodology used for creation of reports came from Austrian and Slovenian partners. Hosts of this pilot project in Croatia were Graduate Program in Entrepreneurship and (www.poduzetnistvo.org ), and Entrepreneurship Research Institute from Maribor (www.irp.si ) and KMU Forschung from Vienna (www.kmuforschung.ac.at ), Austria. The project was financed by Austrian organization ASO (http://www.aso.zsi.at ).
During May 20 – 22, 2007, Professor Slavica Singer, Head of Graduate Program in Entrepreneurship will participate in a work meeting organized by EFER/IESE , held in Barcelona. Within the “Entrepreneurship at Universities” session, Professor Singer will give a presentation entitled “Entrepreneurship as a Discipline”.
On Wednesday May 16, 2007 at 16:30 – 18:00 in auditorium 14 at Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Simone Poirier-Bures will hold a lecture/workshop on creative writing. Simone Poirier-Bures was born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She is the author of three books and approximately thirty short stories and personal essays. For the past 19 years she has been a member of the English faculty at Virginia Tech , in Blacksburg, Virginia, where she teaches writing.
A lecture on American culture titled “American Culture: The Real Deal” will be held in Osijek, organized by the Fulbright Foundation and the US Embassy in Zagreb. Within the lecture, book “Domestic Manners of the Americans”, by Fanny Trollope, English authoress from the 19th century will be presented. Lecture will take place on Tuesday April, 24 at the Faculty of Philosophy, Jegerova st. 9, at 19:00, as well as on Thursday April 26, at City library, Europske avenije 24, at 18:00.
Fourth promotion of Masters of Science in Entrepreneurship was held at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek. It had an international character because three of our students from Macedonia were promoted.
Following students were promoted: Petra Brljafa Tomčić, Aleksandra Cibreva, Sunčana Čorić Dundović, Nataša Dimovska, Ljiljana Dragišić, Ljubica Hristovska, Domagoj Karačić, Maja Karić, Željko Klepo, Anamarija Mandić, Dalibor Pudić, Sandra Senčar, Milena Škoro, Antonija Vujnović Matić, Jelena Verner Legčević and Mirna Weiss. Guest at the promotion was Mr. Goran Radman, member of the Croatian Competitiveness Council and chairman of Microsoft Corp. for Southeastern Europe, and the musical part of the festivity was performed by children’s choir Zumbići from Osijek. GP Entrepreneurship would like to sincerely thank everyone who has helped with organization of this promotion, and especially professor Marcel Meler.