Advance Registrations for Doctoral Program in Entrepreneurship

July 19, 2008

Ongoing are final preparations for the launch of Doctoral Program in Entrepreneurship, start of which is foreseen for the end of 2008. This doctoral program is a mutual program of J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, Graduate Program in Entrepreneurship, Turku University from Finland, Klagenfurt University from Austria, University of Maribor from Slovenia and Durham University from England.

Program is the result of a two-year TEMPUS program, financed by the EU, and it came to existence based on experience and knowledge in studying entrepreneurship by these institutions, which are leaders in the field in their countries, as well as best world practices.

Through this program doctoral students will obtain knowledge and self-confidence that will allow them academic development competitive in the EU.
Curriculum of doctoral program is supported by a top of the line virtual learning platform, developed in collaboration with Microsoft, also one of the partners in the Tempus project.
If you are interested in becoming a part of the 1st class of Doctoral Program in Entrepreneurship, apply today!

All relevant information is available at +385 31 224 426 or