Course contents represent an upgrade of the standard information system for business decision-making support. Support system in decision-making turns raw data from the information system into information that aids in decision-making by solving complex, poorly structured business problems in situation when entrepreneur does not know which information is needed to make a certain decision (the multi-attribute decision-making problem). Solutions offered by the decision-making support system are usually based on the selection of appropriate models and methods, analysis thereof, and taking a larger number of options into consideration. Aim of the course is to teach students how to shorten the time needed for making complex business decisions, as well to improve the quality of their decisions through use of decision-making support systems. Prerequisite for taking this course is passed Information Systems for Entrepreneurs course from the 2nd semester. The key topics are: From simple to intelligent systems for decision-making support (IDSS); Expert systems (ES) – systems based on knowledge: classes and methods for their solving; ES development phases; Examples of ES application; Building of ES using the ExpertRule tool; Warehousing and mining of data: analysis of warehouse data; Online analytical processing (OLAP); Neuron networks: most frequent areas of use in business (finance, marketing, trade); Successfulness of neuron networks; Building of a neuron network using the NeuroSolutions tool.
Work on independent student projects – building of an OLAP system, an expert system or a neutron network (based on student choice) on a business decision-making problem.